Tonal Shift and Central Idea

English I students finished up “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” realizing that…

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English I students finished up “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” realizing that despite it’s apparent difficulty, it’s really a rather straightforward poem. Afterward, we used “Good Night” cover tonal shifts and the lyric moment of a poem.

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Once that was established, students reexamined “The Lanyard” and “Those Winter Sundays” to find the tonal shift/lyric moment of those poems.

English 8 students continued with the literary analysis piece on the nature of the horror genre.

We’ve been analyzing each paragraph to determine the main idea. We’ll be finishing it up tomorrow before moving on to our first horror selection.


  • English 8: end of the quarter — none!
  • English I Honors: end of the quarter — none!


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