Calypso and Communication

Calypso and Communication

All students had benchmark testing today, so classes were only half an hour long. English I Honors students worked on an extended Think/Pair/Share (completing only the “Think” portion) regarding artists’ portrayal of Calypso throughout history....

Benchmark and Schaffer

All students took the Q2 math benchmark test today, which meant we were on a two-hour-delay schedule and each class had only thirty minutes. English 8 students had a chance to complete test corrections from our last major assessment on Friday. English I Honors...

Q2 Vocabulary Test and 3.1

All classes took the quarter 2 vocabulary test (from the articles of the week). Afterward, English I Honors students went through RJ 3.1 for the first time. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: complete 3.1 comprehension questions (on Google...