Socratic Seminars for All

Socratic Seminars for All

All classes had Socratic Seminars today. English I Honors students worked on the second half of the two-part discussion of “The Necklace” (yesterday) and “The Gift of the Magi” (today). English 8 students discussed whether or not Sarny was...

Socratic Discussion and Motifs

English 8 students bean working on motifs, looking for three motifs in Nightjohn: power money freedom Motifs will be useful later when we start trying to determine a theme of the novel. English I Honors students worked on “The Necklace” in our first, full...

Chapter 3 and the Final Analysis

English 8 students went through chapter 3 from Nightjohn after their article of the week work. We practiced retelling, doing individual retellings and a group retelling before we had our daily individual selection reading time. English I Honors began the final writing...
Socratic Seminars

Socratic Seminars

Both English I students and English 8  students conducted Socratic Seminars today. English I students discussed the short story “In the Family,” which is the next story in our short story/writing about literature intro unit. English 8 students discussed...