Media and Puzzle Assembly

Media and Puzzle Assembly

First and fourth periods finished up the cyclops scene, adding a new motif to examine as we read the Odyssey: the perfect hero. We began tracing the first element, verbal cleverness: Second and seventh periods finished up the jigsaw reading by getting into new groups...
Homeric Similes and Jigsaw Reading

Homeric Similes and Jigsaw Reading

First and Fourth Periods had a short quiz on Odysseus’s encounter with the Lotus Eaters and Polyphemus. They also worked on locating Homeric Similes. Second and seventh periods worked on jigsaw reading for Flowers for Algernon after going over the text structure...

Pair Work To the Fourth Power

All four classes work working in partners; all four classes were in some stage of planning or writing major analytic essays. First and fifth periods finished up the planning stage of their empathy essays. Those essays are due Wednesday. Second and fourth periods spent...