Mob Mentality in Lord of the Flies

First and fourth periods took a look at how the idea of the Mob Mentality applies in chapter 9 and 10 of Lord of the Flies. Then they also looked at the phrases that they have been learning in class. Second and seventh periods today were finishing up the claim,...

Phrases and Participles

First and fourth periods today took some class time to read Lord of the Flies and then learned about participle phrases. They then took some notes on participles and looked at examples and practice from a writing textbook. Second and fourth periods finished up Flowers...

Model Writing and Justice

First and fourth periods spent some time looking at the rubric for the extensive Lord of the Flies project and then worked in pairs to evaluate a less-than-perfect model selection: As the boys stranded, and the littleuns completely dependent upon the older children...
Text Marking and Project Work

Text Marking and Project Work

Second and seventh periods did some heavy lifting today, working with extensive close reading and text marking for Flowers for Algernon. We first worked to mark the text for unknown words and context clues. We then worked to determine the text structure. First and...