TDA Prep, Text Structures, and the Odyssey Game

English I and English 8 students went over the coming TDA, planning a bit how…

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Mr. Scott

English I and English 8 students went over the coming TDA, planning a bit how to attack Thursday’s prompt. We, of course, did not go over the actual prompt but discussed how to attack a prompt in general, how to see how many body paragraphs a given prompt would likely require, and how we might plan around that.

Afterward, English 8 students turned back to text structures, covering the basics of our final text structure, spacial/descriptive.

English I students, after going over some TDA basics, spent the rest of the day planning theirย Odyssey projects.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • work on No Red Ink for parallel structure (as necessary);
    • work on text structure self-study (as needed).