Mixed Work

Every class did something a little different today. English I Honors had two different classes:…

December 09, 2014


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Every class did something a little different today. English I Honors had two different classes: fourth period began act three scene one of Romeo and Juliet while sixth period finished up the test on act two from yesterday. We’ll get everyone back on the same page (no pun intended — really!) by the end of the week.

English 8 Strategies generally spent the day finishing up their planning for their projects. However, some students in first period were a bit ahead of the curve, so they went to the library to do some collaborative writing for the project.

Creative writing students had a first mini-lesson on how to use Audacity as we prepare for our end-of-quarter projects.


  • English I Honors: both periods need to read (or reread) 3.1, but sixth period needs to answer these questions as well:
  • Lines 15-29: Is Mercutio’s description of Benvolio accurate based on what we’ve seen in the play? Back up your answer with quotes.
  • Lines 66-70: Read these lines a few times. What is Romeo keeping from Tybalt? Why? Back up your answer with quotes.
  • Stage instructions on page 876: What happens to Mercutio? How exactly does Romeo contribute to his death?
  • Lines 149-172: Is Benvolio’s account of the fight accurate? Back up your answer with quotes.
  • Lines 173-178: What do you make of Lady Capulet’s account of what happened? Back up your answer with quotes.