Villanelle and Development

Villanelle and Development

English I students worked on their last poem before the test, “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop. It’s a villanelle, and tomorrow students will spend a little time at the start of the lesson determining the characteristics of a villanelle. English 8...

Chapter 6 and Villanelles

English I Honors students looked at their first formal poetic form, the villanelle. We came up with a few rules for villanelles after looking at three of them, including a poem we’d already explored. English 8 students read chapter 6 of Nightjohn and began...
Villanelles and Linking Verbs

Villanelles and Linking Verbs

English I Honors students finished up working with villanelles in anticipation of writing a much more challenging poem, a sonnet, in a couple of weeks. Afterward, we returned to the question of meter in poetry, which we will finish up next week as we work on our...
Villanelles and Comparisons

Villanelles and Comparisons

Today in first and fourth periods we explored the poetic form known as the villanelle. We evaluated the patterns in poems such as “The Waking” and “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” to determine the rules for villanelles. Then we took a...