Sonnets and Sound Devices

Sonnets and Sound Devices

First and sixth periods looked at sound devices in poetry. First period examined “Cat!”, which is positively loaded with devices; sixth period looked at “Thumbprint” and “The Drum.” We’ll continue tomorrow. Second and fourth...

Poetry for All

Everyone was working on poetry today: sound devices for most classes and sonnets for second and fourth periods. Homework First, sixth, and seventh periods: none. Second and fourth period: read “The Illiterate” (in anthology) and compare it to the English...

Sound Devices and Sonnets

First, sixth, and (ironically) seventh periods all worked on sound devices today. First and sixth did so after finishing the poem “Because You Asked about the Line Between Prose and Poetry”; seventh period completed the work after a few days working on...

Timed Writing 2 and Sound Devices

We worked on a second round of timed writing for first, second, and sixth periods. Fourth period began a two-day look at sound devices in poetry. Homework First period: complete timed writing. Second and sixth periods: none. Fourth period: check back around 5:00 this...