English I Honors students completed their Socratic Seminars for the question of who was responsible for Juliet’s faked death. Students also turned in their planning sheets for this discussion. English 8 Strategies students finished up tracing the argument put...
English 8 Strategies students practiced the Socratic Seminar engagement, something that I used to do a lot more often when I taught both writing and literature but that I now do rarely. Since we’ll be working again on argument, focusing first on a review of the...
English 8 Strategies students had a discussion in the form of a Socratic seminar about topics related to our final project for the quarter, analytic paragraphs about the selections they are reading in literature class. For Flowers for Algernon, discussion questions...
English I Honors practiced the second type of Socratic seminar today in discussing “Those Winter Sundays” and the effect connotation has on it. English 8 Strategies finished up their first argument, adding counterclaim and rebuttals to last week’s...
It being Friday, first and fifth periods returned to writing, continuing with the first Schaffer model they’re writing with minimal help from me. We’ll finish this up Tuesday. English I Honors students completed the Socratic seminar from yesterday and...
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