English I students did a little more work on the Odyssey. We looked at how Homer’s non-linear storyline comes about (hint: it involves punctuation) to provide a model for one of the project requirements (that the game must in some way reflect the non-linear...
English I students went over infinitives today; in doing so, we’ve completed all five phrases: prepositional participial gerund infinitive appositive We’ll be having a test on them next week. We’ve tentatively set the date for Tuesday 10 December. We...
English I students worked on their projects for Romeo and Juliet after reading 3.2 and discovering the confusion pronoun/antecedent ambiguity can cause. English 8 students had to maintain a holding pattern today with the writing we’ve been working on to be ready...
English I students worked on the major project for the Romeo and Juliet unit. We first looked at the encounter between Romeo and Tybalt to make some connections clear: We then turned our attention to “Decoration Day,” the song we will all be working on...
English 8 students went through a Gimkit practice session before tomorrow’s test on text structures. English I students worked on their projects for the Odyssey. Header image is an AI creation from the prompt: “a group of middle school students working on...
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