Debates, Havisham, and Newsletters

Debates, Havisham, and Newsletters

First period completed their debates. One student volunteered to tally the votes and see whom the class chose as the best debaters. Second period worked a little more on Great Expectations before watching a PBS version of the film. We watched the scene in which Pip...

Debate and the Family

Second period began a small series of lessons on foreshadowing. It’s intended to help students see how authors in general and Dickens in particular use foreshadowing; additionally, students will be learning how to identify clues that could be foreshadowing....

Debates and Foreshadowing

First, fourth, and sixth periods began their debates. We just barely got started in first period; fourth and sixth periods made a fair amount of progress. Sixth period, in fact, will most definitely finish tomorrow; fourth period might have to pick it back up after...
Miss Havisham

Miss Havisham

Second period  went over chapter seven in groups, discussing the themes we’ll be tracing throughout the book. We also began a list of characters, as Dickens’ novels can be a bit on the character-rich side. We also read aloud the opening of chapter eight,...

First Expectations and Debate Preparation

First, fourth, and sixth periods are taking breaks from their Publish projects. First period, in fact, will be spending no more class time on projects; fourth and sixth will have one more day in the library. First, fourth, and sixth periods are working on debate...