Debates and Foreshadowing

First, fourth, and sixth periods began their debates. We just barely got started in first…

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First, fourth, and sixth periods began their debates. We just barely got started in first period; fourth and sixth periods made a fair amount of progress. Sixth period, in fact, will most definitely finish tomorrow; fourth period might have to pick it back up after spring break.

Second period discussed the surprises of chapters 8-10 in Great Expectations. The most significant:

All this while, the strange man looked at nobody but me, and looked at me as if he were determined to have a shot at me at last, and bring me down. But he said nothing after offering his Blue Blazes observation, until the glasses of rum-and-water were brought; and then he made his shot, and a most extraordinary shot it was.

It was not a verbal remark, but a proceeding in dump show, and was pointedly addressed to me. He stirred his rum-and-water pointedly at me, and he tasted his rum-and-water pointedly at me. And he stirred it and he tasted it: not with a spoon that was brought to him, but with a file.

He did this so that nobody but I saw the file; and when he had done it he wiped the file and put it in a breast-pocket. I knew it to be Joe’s file, and I knew that he knew my convict, the moment I saw the instrument. I sat gazing at him, spell-bound. But he now reclined on his settle, taking very little notice of me, and talking principally about turnips. (The Free Online Library)

Many more surprises to come, of course.

  • First, fourth, and sixth: complete debate preparation as necessary.
  • Second period:
    • read chapters 11 and 12;
    • work on theme database (using notes from class and readings).