Planning and Generalizing

First and Fourth periods had the Act 4 and 5 quiz, and then worked on planning the essay for the essay question. Romeo’s final speech is filled with themes and language devices Shakespeare has used throughout the play. Comparisons Personifications Word...
Romeo’s Final Words and Justice

Romeo’s Final Words and Justice

Today in first and fourth periods we talked about the new quarter schedule looked at Romeo’s final speech from Romeo and Juliet. We took a closer look at the speech and discussed certain parts in our groups. We’ll be using this tomorrow to look at how to...

Justice and Two Scenes

First and fifth periods began the new quarter by looking at the question of justice. Looking at several scenarios, we came up with some criteria for what makes a just action just. Second and fourth periods looked at 2.2 from Romeo and Juliet a bit before moving on to...

Justice Beginnings and Balconies

I was out today, but if all went according to plans, first and fifth periods began the new unit on justice and injustice while second and fourth periods went over the most famous scene in theater history, the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Homework First and...