Socratic Seminar and Graphic Novels

English 8 Strategies students practiced the Socratic Seminar engagement, something that I used to do a lot more often when I taught both writing and literature but that I now do rarely. Since we’ll be working again on argument, focusing first on a review of the...

Imagery, Persuasion, and Newspaper Articles

First and seventh periods finished up the poetry units with a look at imagery and a final poem. Second period began a short unit on persuasive writing. First and seventh periods will start tomorrow. Fourth period began a short writing project to wrap up To Kill a...

Wrapping Up Act I

First, second, and seventh periods wrapped up the first act of Anne Frank. We’ll be doing the second act in a much shorter time, finishing by the middle of next week. Fourth period continued its poetry unit, with students teaching today about imagery and the...

Act I Complete

First, second, and seventh periods completed the first act of the Diary of Anne Frank. We’ll wrap up loose ends tomorrow and probably have a quiz on it Wednesday before starting act two. Fourth period began their poetry projects. The first pair almost completed...