First and fifth periods worked on citations and quoting sources. The major focus for this quarter is research skills, and that includes what to do with the fruits of research. We focused today on how to incorporate quotes into our writing in order to strengthen our...
7 First and sixth periods worked on Monster. Second and fourth periods worked on their “Works Cited” page for the final writing assignment. Seventh period continued with bias and persuasion. Homework First, sixth, and seventh periods: study for the coming...
First and sixth periods finished up the persuasive essay unit by working on the “Works Cited” page that will be required for the final draft. Second and fourth periods looked at an informational text to compare Harper Lee’s portrayal of the southern...
5 Today was the final day with a regular schedule. First, second, and sixth periods continued with Monster, almost finishing it. Fourth period worked on in-text citations for their research project. Homework First, second, and sixth periods: study for exam. Fourth...
7 First, second, and sixth periods continued with Monster. We heard a great deal of testimony that points toward Steve’s guilt, but the defense also did a good job of throwing some of that testimony into question. Fourth period worked on the “Works...
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