Fate is the word

Today in first and fourth periods we discussed what “fate” really was after some house keeping items regarding the “Decoration Day” workshop. We then broke off into groups and looked for mentions of fate in Romeo and Juliet in preparation for...

Formal Language and a Transitional Day

First and fourth periods worked on standard W.9-10.1d: “Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.” After going over the basics of formal voice, we did...

Decompressing and Researching

First and fourth periods went over the exam from yesterday. Second and seventh periods continued research for the final project for our Anne Frank unit. I also conducted informal interviews with students so I and students could assess their preparedness. Our final day...

Exam and Research

First and fourth periods had their semester exam today. Second and seventh periods continued print and internet research on their selected heroes of the Holocaust. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: continue evaluating peers’ “Decoration Day”...

Annotated Example

There is an annotated example (i.e., all the mistakes are pointed out) version of Mr. Scott’s example paragraph for “Decoration Day” that you should look at before you begin assessing others’...