New Unit and Reading

New Unit and Reading

English I Honors students had a reading day (and will have two more this week) as students’ absences for the Beta Club field trip to New York deplete the classes by at least 30% per class. English 8 students worked on the article of the week a bit, looking at...
Dickens Points and Project

Dickens Points and Project

I was a little disappointed with the lackluster showing of English 8 students’ projects, so we took today to give some students another chance to turn the project in for reduced credit. English I students had a quick look at Dickens’s use of dialect and...
Project Completion All Around

Project Completion All Around

English I Honors students began Great Expectations by taking a look at how Dickens tends to construct his sentences. English 8 students completed the project for “The Move to Freedom” unit. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors:  turn in...
Guest and Project

Guest and Project

English 8 students worked on their project today. It will be due on Friday before we leave for the long break. English I Honors students had a guest speaker today, Mr. Jim Bannister, who is a criminal defense lawyer who brings a unique view to the trial of Tom...