Summary and Half a Benchmark

Summary and Half a Benchmark

English 8 students were scheduled to take the district-created, district-mandated benchmark test for the second quarter. Due to technical difficulties out of the control of the school or the district, we were unable to take the test. Instead, we continued with...
Argument, Audience, and Cutting

Argument, Audience, and Cutting

English 8 students continued working on the importance of praise by analyzing an article for the argument and the audience. English I Honors students worked on their cutting their given scenes (either 3.2 or 3.3). We’ll be presenting the cut versions tomorrow....

Return 2018

Our first day back was fairly successful. English I students began a multi-day lesson on how to evaluate Shakespeare’s text and — gasp — cut portions that are not necessary, strictly speaking. It’s blasphemy, I tell you, but good practice for...