English I students worked on their last poem before the test, “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop.
It’s a villanelle, and tomorrow students will spend a little time at the start of the lesson determining the characteristics of a villanelle.
English 8 students worked on what it means when an author “develops” something and what readers are expected to do when given a question about examining “how the author develops” something. We looked specifically at:
- developing the characters
- developing the setting
- developing the conflict.
In the end, it all has to do with details: what details is the author using to illustrate something?
- English 8 Studies: none.
- English I Honors:
- complete the indefinite pronoun work on Moodle (an old assignment);
- complete the indefinite pronoun/adjective work on Moodle (an old assignment);
- prepare for the poetry test on Wednesday using the study guide on Google Classroom.