English 8 Strategies (fourth period) students continued their pre-MAP review with a bit of practice with point of view and the narrator.

Fourth period notes

Fourth period notes

Fourth period notes
English 8 Studies began the second part of our lit circles/Glory Field unit which will include selected reading of poetry and informational texts that tie into the unit we’re working on. Groups will then connect it to their given portion of the novel and explain the connections to other groups.

Fifth period notes

Fifth period notes
English I Honors continued with the Odyssey, meeting Calypso (or “Kalypso” as our translation transliterates it). We will continue with a twentieth-century view of Calypso tomorrow.

Sixth and seventh period notes (And yes, I know I wrote “somethink” — I could say it was because I wanted to see who noticed, but the truth is, often my head and my hand go their separate ways…

Sixth and seventh period notes indicating that perhaps Odysseus wasn’t such a captive as he portrays himself.
- English 8:
- continue working on the article of the week;
- complete the reading you and your group decided upon.
- English I Honors:
- continue working on the Romeo and Juliet project, which will be due (six paragraphs and transitions) on Friday;
- finish the Calypso excerpt and be ready to answer the question, “How does Odysseus salvage the situation at the end?”;
- continue working on the article of the week.