Homeric Text Structures

Homeric Text Structures

English 8 students finished up text structures with a light game of game-play: a Gimkit and a Kahoot. Virtually everyone demonstrated that they have mastered text structure identification. English I students looked at Homeric similes, which are strange,...
Homeric Similes and Jigsaw Reading

Homeric Similes and Jigsaw Reading

First and Fourth Periods had a short quiz on Odysseus’s encounter with the Lotus Eaters and Polyphemus. They also worked on locating Homeric Similes. Second and seventh periods worked on jigsaw reading for Flowers for Algernon after going over the text structure...
Nightjohn and the Cyclops

Nightjohn and the Cyclops

First and fifth periods almost completed the Nightjohn film we’re watching as a culmination to our unit on tradition and change. We’ll be writing an argumentative essay next week as the capstone to the quarter. Second and fourth periods continued with the...