New Units, New Start

New Units, New Start

First period began a new unit on “Flowers for Algernon.” We’ll be looking at point of view, inferences, and some basic grammar for the unit. We began by reading the first progress report in the novella, which is replete with mistakes, and then making...

Test and Characters

First period had a test on The Giver that turned out disastrously: we took it online at our Moodle site, and due to internet connectivity issues, several students lost half their test as they moved from one portion to another. Because there were so many problems with...

The Giver

First we read three different short stories at the back of The Giver. We did a outline about compare and contrast, which we will use in our test on Friday. We all had to work on finding 20 vocabulary words out of our notes we took. Homework Study for the...

Nearing Tests

First, second, and sixth periods are all nearing tests at the end of next week. Everything then is to that end. First period had something of a catch-up day: so many students were out on field trips that it made little sense to move ahead. Students worked on reading...

Expecting Giver Progress

First and fourth periods are working on The Giver and Great Expectations respectively. First period looked at the various conflict types and did some role playing; fourth period continued working on their motif study. Additionally, fourth period worked on graphical...