Outlining and Inferred Blocking

Outlining and Inferred Blocking

All classes began with more in-depth practice with the Article of the Week assignment. English I Honors students began applying what we learned yesterday about implied blocking included in Romeo and Juliet. Specifically, we looked at this small passage from Capulet:...

Blocking and Tone

English 8 students almost finished up tone with “The Tell-Tale Heart,”  identifying passages that serve as evidence for our established tone of frantic paranoia. We’ll finish up tomorrow. English I Honors students looked carefully at their blocking...

Shaky Start and Friday Work

In English I, we began Shakespeare proper (1.1.1-30) and discovered that it begins with a little surprise, not entirely pleasant — a good lesson in the unpredictability of Shakespeare. English 8 students returned to their Friday inference work. HomeworkEnglish 8...

Overview and Poe

English 8 students continued with a short unit on irony and “The Tell-Tale Heart” for Halloween. We’ll be finishing it up early next week. English I Honors students went over the poetry test briefly, had a bit of an introduction to Shakespeare as...

Test and Objective Summary

English I students had their two-part test on act three from Romeo and Juliet today. It will be on the third-quarter reporting period. English 8 students finished up the work on objective summaries, a skill we will apply several times throughout the rest of the year....