Inquiry Questions and Monster

Inquiry Questions and Monster

16 Today, first and fourth periods began with a starter about the types of sentences. We were given two sentences, and based on the number of subordinate and independent clauses were to determine the type of the sentence. We then began working on our research project...

Symbols and Online Citations

First and fourth periods today discussed the ending of The Lord of the Flies and also began learning more about symbols. As we have now finished the allegory, we will now be trying to determine what each character and object is a symbol for. Today in second and...

Mob Mentality in Lord of the Flies

First and fourth periods took a look at how the idea of the Mob Mentality applies in chapter 9 and 10 of Lord of the Flies. Then they also looked at the phrases that they have been learning in class. Second and seventh periods today were finishing up the claim,...

Finishing Projects

Today in second and seventh period we were finishing the Mary Todd Lincoln project. We were finding our claims, counter claims, and our rebuttals. Homework