English I Honors students are approaching the end of the poetry unit by looking at villanelles today. They used inductive reasoning (specifics to general) to determine what a villanelle is. To get a headstart on the second quarter, students can finish the poem they...
English I Honors finished up with Collins’s “The Lanyard” and moved toward the end of our work on tonal shift and the lyric moment by looking at Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art,” my personal favorite. We will finish with “One...
English Studies completed the argument review in preparation for this week’s debate about the two presentations of Sarny we’ve now covered. English Strategies continued viewing selected scenes from the film version of Nightjohn. We’ll be finishing...
English Strategies students (fourth period) worked on some culminating work for Nightjohn by creating Facebook pages for various characters in the novel. It was a fun activity that made sure all students had a firm grasp on the plot, characters, and setting of the...
English Studies (fifth period) began looking at the film version of Nightjohn to compare it to the book. We’ll be working on this all week. English Strategies (fourth period) completed chapter five, with a few comprehension questions and some more theme work....
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