English I students worked on their projects, specifically completing their two paragraphs for “Decoration Day.” These should be completed by Friday so students can turn in their work and begin workshopping their work. English 8 students worked on...
English I students worked on their Odyssey games — the last day. Today, students played their own games for the first time to work out kinks in the instructions and game play itself. English 8 students continued working on their analytic essays on “The...
All students worked on projects today. English I worked on their Odyssey project, of which they will complete beta versions by the end of class Wednesday. English 8 students worked on their “Christmas Gift” project. They’ve completed their reading...
English 8 students looked at an example paragraph about “Inside Out,” modeled on the paragraphs they wrote earlier this week. Through collaborative consultation they determined, among other things, that the second chunk was in fact superfluous and weakened...
English I students worked on their Odyssey projects. English 8 students finished their practice writing for the final major project. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: work on phrases practices as...
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