Figurative Language and Emotional Language

First, second, and fourth periods all worked on figurative language: similes, metaphors, and personification. We looked at three poems that use figurative language: “Concrete Mixers,” “The City is So Big,” and “Harlem Night Song.”...

Blackmail, Gossip, and Poetry

First and seventh periods began with vocabulary for completing the Diary of Anne Frank. Afterward, we completed the first scene of the second act. We know that “Carl” has proposed a raise after suggesting there was a door in Mr. Kraler’s office to...
Figurative Language Completion and Hospitality

Figurative Language Completion and Hospitality

Everyone, once again, was working on poetry today. First period finished looking at figurative language today. We ended by adding a poem to the poetry project list of required poems: a poem about urban and/or rural life. (All three poems we read for figurative...

Citation Practice and Poetry

First period began the poetry unit by looking at several elements of poetry, including: consonnance assonance alliteration simile metaphor personification Second period began reading the Odyssey after we had a quiz on it. Fourth and sixth periods completed their work...