Personal Pronouns and Shakespeare

Fourth period began working on tableau vivants (Wikipedia) for act three, scene one. We’ll be presenting them tomorrow. We have heavy homework coming up this weekend, though: three scenes from act three (two, three, and four). First and seventh periods continued...

Nouns, Balconies, and Act 3

First and seventh periods began a slow overview of the eight parts of speech, beginning with nouns today. We’ve neglected grammar this year, and now we’re going to remedy that. We’re continuing with the literature circles tomorrow. Second period went...

Final Group Work

We completed the final day of group work for the memoir today. We’ll be spending two more days polishing it up, and then turn it in Monday. English I began verbs today. We’ll finish up tomorrow, testing willing. The testing in question is the Explore test....

Specific Nouns, Sensory Details, and Antigone

First and seventh continued working on improving our use of specific nouns. Second period worked on the same thing, but then, having some extra time, we returned to sensory details to look at how to include them without being so direct: “I smell,” or...

Stems (List 21)

First, second, and seventh period began working on stems list 21. We looked at the individual stems and how they relate to the words. We will be having a quiz on the first ten words on Friday; the test on all words will be the following Friday. Afterward, we discussed...