Grammar Day

First, second, and seventh periods went over linking verbs in a desperate attempt to get subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement finished before the PASS writing test next week. We should finish up working on verbs tomorrow. Fourth period went over clauses, both...

Book Fair

All classes went to the spring book fair today. This year we were given only fifteen minutes in the fair, which seemed fair enough. Afterward, first and seventh periods began working on linking verbs, with the eventual goal of working on subject/verb agreement. Second...

Late Start

We had a late start, so first period didn’t have class today. Second period only had twenty minutes; we continued our whirlwind review of the parts of speech. Fourth period continued watching Romeo + Juliet and discussed a little about the project. Seventh...

Test Review and Early Dismissal

Whew — what an odd day. First period went over yesterday’s test, as did second period. Additionally, first period began working with verbs. Second period didn’t get that far: Dr. Mark made the announcement regarding the early dismissal, and it became...

Tests and More PASS Practice

First, second, and seventh periods all had a test on nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. We spent the remainder of the time going over examples of PASS writing test responses, evaluating and discussing the individual essays’ strengths and weaknesses. Fourth period...