Pronouns, Adjectives, and Covert Activities

Pronouns, Adjectives, and Covert Activities

Image via Wikipedia All classes continued the parts of speech unit. We’re right on schedule in most classes; second and sixth periods might begin moving well ahead of schedule. First period looked at adjectives. In particular, we explored the way some words...

Contracts and Parts of Speech

First and fourth periods continued their work with parts of speech. First period went over nouns; fourth period completed verbs, covering phrasal verbs, auxiliary verbs, and linking verbs. Second and sixth periods almost completed their class contracts. We’ll...

Final Management Issues and Adjectives

First, second, and sixth periods are all ready to begin the year. We’ve gone over the critical classroom management issues, and we’ve established a positive class atmosphere. We’re ready to get started. Fourth period completed adjectives —...

Taking Notes

First, second, and seventh periods continued with the procedures and rules for class. We also looked at how to take notes. Fourth period began a lightning-quick review of the parts of speech. We’ll be having a test on them some time next week. Homework First,...

Finishing Up Grammar

First, second, and seventh periods finished up verbs. Now that we’ve covered nouns, pronouns, and verbs, we’ll be trying to cover subject-verb agreement quickly before the PASS test. Fourth period almost completed work on clauses. We’ll be starting a...