Works Cited and Monster

13 First period was able to go back to the computer lab to work on the Much Ado About Nothing projects. Additionally, some students should be finishing up their final drafts for the film review. It will count as late work, but that’s better than nothing. Second...

PASS Day One; First Takes

17 First and second period didn’t meet because we were having the ELA pass test. Students later said it went fairly well. Fourth and sixth periods had the first take of their Much Ado About Nothing scenes. We filmed the first take and will do one more day of...

Final Practice and Research

18 Fourth and sixth periods went through their final rehearsals before filming. Second period had their final day of research, and first period worked on their animations. Homework First period: review due at the end of the week. Second period: dialogue due at the end...

Acting, Researching, and Preparing

19 First period, theoretically, began working on a short animation project for Much Ado. However, the crawling pace of our local network made it impossible to accomplish very much. During class, I handed out the Much Ado About Nothing review rubric to students of...

Discussions and Research

20 A fairly simple day: all periods except second period continued working on the discussion project for Much Ado About Nothing. Most classes will have a test on the play after PASS testing, probably a week after tomorrow. Second period began doing research for their...