Nouns, Balconies, and Act 3

First and seventh periods began a slow overview of the eight parts of speech, beginning with nouns today. We’ve neglected grammar this year, and now we’re going to remedy that. We’re continuing with the literature circles tomorrow. Second period went...

Shakespeare and Bluford

First and seventh periods continued with the Bluford literature circles. Because of less-than-stellar performance Friday, seventh period continued the project by working alone. Second period is almost done with the second act of Much Ado About Nothing. Fourth period...

Literature Circles and More Shakespeare

Advancing yesterday’s improvement: first and seventh period were to complete the first unit for their literature circles. While most students in first period completed the work, many in seventh period chose to spend their class time engaging in less productive...

Main Ideas and Plays

First and seventh periods are still working on literature circles. We’re about to finish the first group of chapters and activities. We’ll be focusing on determining a text’s main idea as we work. Second period continued with Much Ado About Nothing....

Shakespeare and Literature Circles

Two of the four classes are now working on Shakespeare: second period (Much Ado About Nothing) and fourth period (Romeo and Juliet). Second period finished up act I. I also added a new assignment to second period’s plate: journals. The requirements: Write daily....