All students, regardless of the class, worked on the same skill today: inferring. It’s such a basic skill in any class (but especially English), and it’s critical to hit those important skills early. Students worked to make inferences based on evidence I...
First and fifth periods continued with “Algernon” after correcting yesterday’s quiz. Second and fourth periods looked at subtext in Romeo and Juliet 4.1. Homework First and fifth periods: none. Second and fourth periods: read 4.2 of Romeo and...
First and fifth periods began the focus selection for the third quarter, “Flowers for Algernon.” We reviewed point of view as we’ll be looking at it quickly throughout the selection. Afterward, we returned to observations and inferences by making...
First and fifth period continued working on inferring. We practiced making inferences with various photos, inferring what came before and after, what motivated the actors, etc. For each inference, students then had to provide evidence from the photos and evaluate each...
First and fifth periods worked on a specific application of inference: body language. We began with a starter, which we wrote in our Anne Frank diary: Write about one of the following What is body language? If you don’t know what it is, make an educated guess....
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