Meeting Nightjohn and Discussing Heroes

Meeting Nightjohn and Discussing Heroes

First period went to the computer lab to try out a forum we use occasionally in my class. We discussed heroism and Nightjohn. Second and sixth periods read chapters two and three of Nightjohn. We got to see how Waller brought John onto the plantation and learned that...
Poetry and Homeric Similes

Poetry and Homeric Similes

First period finished up the mini-unit on sound devices and moved on to figurative language: simile, metaphor, and personification. We began by looking at one poem (“Concrete Mixers”) in pairs for examples of all three forms of figurative language....
Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

First things first: I made a blunder during second period. We were looking at Odysseus’s journey to the underworld and his meeting with Tiresias. I mentioned the two famous victims of the underworld, Tantalus and Sisyphus; I elaborated on Sisyphus and the...

Consonance, Alliteration, and the Lotus Eaters

Second period began looking at the elements of the Coen brothers’ film Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? that are taken directly from the Odyssey. We’ll be watching five scenes, and we began today with the Coen brothers’ take on the Lotus Eaters. First...

Citation Practice and Poetry

First period began the poetry unit by looking at several elements of poetry, including: consonnance assonance alliteration simile metaphor personification Second period began reading the Odyssey after we had a quiz on it. Fourth and sixth periods completed their work...