Word Choice and Presentations

First period continued with Nightjohn. We mainly did some reading, though we looked briefly at what the written word is capable of. Second and sixth periods used the idea of formal, informal, and slang language to determine what makes voice in Nightjohn. For instance,...
Archetypes, Word Choice, and Point of View

Archetypes, Word Choice, and Point of View

Cover via Amazon First period examined the effect point of view can have on a story, answering the EQ, “How does the point of view affect a story?” We read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs as an example of how a change in perspective affects a...

Literacy, Voice, and Evaluations

First period continued working with voice, specifically looking at how word choice affects voice. We explored slang, informal, and formal synonyms and looked at how those choices carry certain implications. Second and sixth periods began the second unit on Nightjohn....
Initial and Final Thoughts

Initial and Final Thoughts

First, second, and seventh periods finished the anticipatory lesson for a unit on The Diary of Anne Frank. As such, we had an today, drawing on students’ prior knowledge of the Holocaust and making it personal through a series of reflective writing exercises. To...