20 school days left After going over the extensive phrase homework, which has excited students so much that it is with the greatest regret that they realize we could have done sentence diagramming proper this year, English I Honors classes got to the summit of...
Today first period finished up learning about clauses by looking at new types of sentences: complex sentences. In fourth, they learned how to quickly skim the “Mr. Scott way.” This will help the students to read Great Expectations more easily and...
All classes attended the book fair. Pictures are available here. First and sixth periods created a rubric for the quick two-day political cartoon project we’ll be working on during the next two days. Second and fourth periods, after having internet problems,...
First and sixth periods had their tests on Diary of Anne Frank today. I’ll have them graded and ready for review on Monday. Second and fourth periods continued working with clauses, following through on our new plan to alternate grammar and Lord of the Flies for...
It’s always rewarding to have a positive return after a long break such as the one we just finished. I think it’s fair to say that today was such a day — at least in room 606. First and sixth periods had an extended bell ringer that dealt with...
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