Symbols and Online Citations

First and fourth periods today discussed the ending of The Lord of the Flies and also began learning more about symbols. As we have now finished the allegory, we will now be trying to determine what each character and object is a symbol for. Today in second and...
Double Do’s and Don’t’s

Double Do’s and Don’t’s

First and Fourth periods learned about cultural laws and do’s and don’t’s before applying it to a text from the textbook about hospitality in ancient Greek culture and its role in the Odyssey. Second and fourth periods returned the the question of...

Juliet Falls Asleep

First and fourth periods watched 3.3 and act 4. We also found the four things Juliet was worried about before taking the sleep potion, and first period did an artistic representation of it — it’s the last day before the long break: one must be a little...
Act 3 quiz, Guinea Pigs

Act 3 quiz, Guinea Pigs

Today in first and fourth periods we took the Act 3 quiz and talked a little bit about the song project. Also Mr. Scott told us that we are going to be guinea pigs for a new “Workshop” having to do with the Romeo and Juliet project. Second period completed...