Sound Devices

First and second period worked on sound devices, focusing on the use of rhythm and onomatopoeia in a poem titled “Cat.” Second period finished up the ballad selection and poetry unit. We discussed a bit the portfolio (which will be turned in 2 December)....

Questions, a Test, and Sound Devices

First and seventh periods completed work on the Diary of Anne Frank. We went over homework and did some work to review the play individually and in small groups. We will be having a test on Monday in first and seventh periods. It will be an open book essay test, and I...
Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

First things first: I made a blunder during second period. We were looking at Odysseus’s journey to the underworld and his meeting with Tiresias. I mentioned the two famous victims of the underworld, Tantalus and Sisyphus; I elaborated on Sisyphus and the...

Describing Someone and the Cyclops

First, fourth, and sixth periods worked on poetry, specifically Jacqueline Woodson’s “Describe Someone.” We practiced as a class revising lines to add alliteration and consonance. Students will be doing the same to their own poems for homework....

Consonance, Alliteration, and the Lotus Eaters

Second period began looking at the elements of the Coen brothers’ film Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? that are taken directly from the Odyssey. We’ll be watching five scenes, and we began today with the Coen brothers’ take on the Lotus Eaters. First...