First Schaffer Paragraph

First Schaffer Paragraph

In another minor miracle of planning, all classes ended up doing essentially the same thing today: introduction to commentary and an initial Schaffer paragraph. Homework All classes: complete the planning we began in class (Name, Characteristic, Example 1, Example 2)....
Introduction to Schaffer

Introduction to Schaffer

Through a miracle of inadvertently advantageous planning, all classes — first, second, fourth, and fifth periods — worked on the same thing today. It happens about twice or three times a year. How lovely. The topic? The Schaffer model, probably one of the...
Verbs and Rules

Verbs and Rules

First and sixth periods created the rules for the classroom. Below are the notes from the classwork/group work. We’re working this first week to create a positive atmosphere and practice some of the skills we will be using all year. rules from first period rules...

Ambiguity and Change

First and fifth periods worked on metaphorical versus literal language while developing classroom rules and procedures, continuing to lay the foundation for a good classroom atmosphere throughout the year. We practiced a couple of engagements we’ll be using...