Sick Day

15 As I was out for family illness, I can only write what the plans were for the day: first and fourth periods were to continue their characterization projects and then switch to the research project as the finish; second and seventh periods were to continue reading...

T. H. (Class of 2014)

Welcome to the devil’s domain (you know what that is I don’t have to say it). Your hands now belong to the devil himself, at least you’ll have to sell them to him in order to keep up with all the writing assignments you’re going to have to do. If you think you’ve ever...

A. D. (Class of 2014)

Mr. Scott will always be there to answer questions and to help you if you need it, but he will not give you everything. He teaches like a true high school teacher and in some ways like a college one.

L. P. (Class of 2014)

English 1 Honors is a very difficult class with a lot of work, but if you put in the effort, you can get a good grade. Despite all the effort required, Mr. Scott’s English class teaches you valuable writing skills that you will need in the future. So fear not, my...