Poe Wall and First Schaffer

Poe Wall and First Schaffer

English 8 Strategies continued with the new schedule today, and as Tuesdays are writing days, we returned to Schaffer and came up with our first class-produced paragraphs. The Schaffer model makes writing easier. For example, it helps you come up with ideas. Each...
Trust and Argument

Trust and Argument

English 8 students began their new schedule today: Monday will be for covering a specific writing genre (argument first period). Tuesday will be for writing and conferencing. Wednesday will be for craft, focusing first period on sentence variety. Thursday will cover...

Trust and Assessment

English I Honors students began the third story and analytic topic, which is the question of the trustworthiness of narrators in stories. We read and briefly analyzed “In the Family.” English 8 Strategies completed a formal assessment of their...