Finishing Projects

As with yesterday, we worked on projects today, with all classes finishing up (or about to finish up) major end-of-quarter projects today. English I Honors students will need to turn in their poetry projects by midnight tonight. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: complete...

Algernon/Outsiders Essay Turn-in

Type your paragraph into Word. Document title: Save your document as “lastname_firstname.” In other words “jones_sabrina” but not “sabrina_jones.” Document location: Save your document into the common drive, “Scott”...

Project Work

All classes worked on their projects in class. See previous posts below for more information. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: complete the poetry recitation and analysis project by tomorrow...

Meter and Projects

English I Honors students finished up our whirlwind overview of meter in poetry before taking some time to work on their poetry projects. I’ve updated the rubric, specifically regarding the analysis of figurative language or sound devices. The new rubric is...

Metrical Feet and Review

First period (English 8 Strategies) didn’t have class due to the Donaldson Career Center visit, so during fifth period (also English 8 Strategies) we just did some review work. English I Honors students had a vocabulary quiz and then went over the various types...