Back to Business and a Comma Review

English 8 Strategies classes began a short review of commas, sure to be a major element on next week’s ACT-Aspire test. We’ll continue tomorrow: it’s taking some time because we’re using collaborative learning methods to do the work. English I...

More Peer Editing

All classes worked on peer editing, looking at Friday’s practice tests. We’ve got a week to go — everyone’s getting excited. (No, really!) HomeworkEnglish I Honors: see...
Second Practice Writing Test

Second Practice Writing Test

34 school days left All students took the second practice writing test for the ACT-Aspire, which will be on Tuesday 28 April. On Monday, we will be assessing them again as we did last week, then doing some more preparatory work for the selective response portion...
Modeled Texts

Modeled Texts

All students worked on preparing for the ACT-Aspire test, which is in a mere 12 days. English I Honors students worked on the selective response portion of the writing test while English 8 Strategies students worked on the essay portion of the test. HomeworkEnglish I...

Additional Test Practice

The ACT-Aspire test is now less than two weeks away. We’re still going over the practice material, making sure all students are comfortable with the testing format and reviewing the material to be tested. HomeworkEnglish I Honors:  fourth period students...