First Analysis and First Skills

First Analysis and First Skills

English 8 students began looking at the specific reading strategies we’ll be working to master and deepen throughout the year. Afterward, we read a couple of texts to begin applying the skills. English I Honors students began their first short story analysis,...
Socratic Seminars and Analysis

Socratic Seminars and Analysis

English I students finished looking at the difference between summary and analysis. We noticed a few things: Everything in a summary is in the text. There are many portions of the text not even discussed in the analysis. The analysis contains inferences whereas the...

New Units for All

Except for journalism, all classes started a new unit. English 8 students began their second STEAM unit. We’re keeping some of the details under wraps for the next few days, but it involves bullying, numbers, and literacy. We read Thank You, Mr. Faulker as an...

Finishing Schaffer and Kindness

English I Honors students finished up their first-week introduction to the Schaffer model. We’ll begin applying it to some basic literary analysis next week. English 8 students (both Strategies and Studies) finished up the literature portion of our first STEAM...