Friday Shortcuts

Rather than rehash the day (it’s Friday and we’re all tired), let’s just get to the homework… HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: re-read “Thank You, M’am” (see Moodle site) looking for quotes to use as...

MAP Math and Completion

All eighth-grade students took the math MAP test today, and that meant that all classes were cut to half an hour. Two days in a row of this seems like it might not be the best use of time, but consider that the whole eighth grade is done with MAP testing in two short...


All eighth-graders took the MAP Reading test today, which shortened all the other classes significantly. In the other, shortened versions of class, we officially began our STEAM project for the quarter. I can’t share with you all what it is because, well,...

Finally Friday

English I Honors students finished up yesterday’s work before looking at how to evaluate their first writing assignments. (Screencasts are available here and here for students who were absent.) English Strategies students began working on the voice in Nightjohn...