Peace Center and Writing

Only sixth and seventh periods met today due to the Peace Center field trip. Both classes worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects. We’ll be spending the week on this project in one form or another. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: work on...


My job is about learning. It’s about teaching, too, but the more I stand on this side of the desk, the more I realize that teaching is learning. It’s not just the simple process — as if it were so simple in truth — of learning how to teach....
Paragraphs and Paragraphs

Paragraphs and Paragraphs

English I Honors students worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects today. We’ll spend a little time working on it next week before we start the next unit. English 8 Studies students (fifth period) looked at how they could transform yesterday’s notes into...