

All students had tests today. We’ll all be starting new units tomorrow. HomeworkEnglish 8: continue working on your article of the week. English I Honors:  continue working on your Romeo and Juliet project; continue working on your article of the...
Project Work

Project Work

Everyone today was working on projects in one form or another. English 8 students did some preparatory work for a project they will do in writing class later. English I Honors students worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects for a final day. The rest of the work...
Writing and More Writing

Writing and More Writing

All classes were writing today. English I was working on their Romeo and Juliet projects while English 8 students worked on a short writing assignment designed to preview what they’ll be doing in their own writing class next week. HomeworkEnglish 8: ...
Preparing and Transitioning

Preparing and Transitioning

English I Honors students worked again transitions between paragraphs as well as their Romeo and Juliet projects. Remember: we have a quiz on Tuesday when we come back on acts four and five. English 8 students split up a little today: they did essentially the same...