SC Ready Practice and More

All classes went over the last practice of the SC Ready test, which students will be taking next week. English 8 students devoted the day to it while English I Honors students only spent the first ten to fifteen minutes on it. All students will continue the prep work...

SC Ready and More

English 8 students began working on the SC Ready test prep as we’ll be having the test next week. We went over basic test taking strategies before having a practice test, which we’ll finish tomorrow. English I Honors students began working to rank...

Spring Friday

Everyone worked hard; everyone accomplished something. I’m just too tired to go into details… HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: complete the Mockingbird reading (see...

Comparison and Ballads

English Strategies students began working on the heavy-lifting portion of the STEAM unit we’re currently working on, comparing a poem and a portion of a novel. English Studies students took the comparison a bit further. English I Honors students looked at a...