Projects and Phrases

14 school days left English I Honors students started a two-day blitz through phrases, and English 8 students continued working on their culminating project. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: complete the allusions work if you have not...

Continuing and Finishing

15 school days left English I Honors students finished up working with bias while English 8 students continued working on their culminating project. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: complete the allusions work if you have not...

Bias and Projects

16 school days left English I Honors has just about finished up work with the bias review we’ve been working on. English 8 continues working on their final STEAM project. The end of the year approaches… HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I...

Final Projects and Bias

17 school days left English I Honors students began a review of bias in preparation for the EOC next week. Formative assessment indicated an overall deficit in that area, so we’ll be taking care of that shortly. English 8 students began working on the final...